!It's Important!

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts the book;;

Hello and welcome to Este. This is a board, incase you didn't know. Ah, but what is it for is a better question. This here is where you'll find everything you need to know and everything you don't before joining the site. Things like the site rules, the endangered Pokemon list, how the battle system and leveling up works. Don't like it? Well register and deal with it, because this is Este, which means epic in my language.

4 5 Legendary Pokemon
by FiRE!?
Jan 24, 2010 15:32:17 GMT -5
No New Posts announcements;; - 1 Viewing

Yo! Look over here! Yeah, you. This the announcement board and the name of it should explain everything, but incase it doesn't: the announcements of the site consist of important doodads like activity checks, special giveaways, contests and even more! You should check this place out before someone comes and punches you in the throat, it might confuse and hurt you at that point, but if you read the announcement that had the memo that all members were to be punched in the throat, you might have been more fully prepared.

1 3 Team ___
Feb 6, 2010 12:15:36 GMT -5
No New Posts the archives;;

This is where any old or inactive threads are put. Got a problem with that, punk? Well then private message an admin and scream about how angsty you are and we'll unlock your thread for you.

5 36

!Out of Character!

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts discussion;;

"Hey guys, this thread is all about the wonders of spaghetti." Exactly, the possibilities of what you can talk about on this board are never ending. Want to question why circles have no corners, go ahead. Of course, don't spam and don't break the rules, man. 'Cause that isn't cool and frowned upon by your mother. Yeah, exactly.

Sub-board: ranting arena;;

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts introduction / leaving;;

Hi, I hate you. I'm kidding..maybe. Anyways, are you new? Okay, well post here or I'm going to ignore you. Just kidding (maybe). The members here don't bite and no, I'm not lying to keep you around. If I wanted to keep you around, I'd be like "'O benevolent member of Este, please love me." But I'm not, am I? Oh, and if you're leaving, post here, or else I'll think you're dead. Yeah. DEAD.

Sub-boards: hey there;;, absent;;

3 10

!Character Arena!

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts blank page;;

So you joined and read the rules, right? Well, you're just a few gruesome trials away from getting your first Pokemon from the lab. So, make a character (use the premade bio or death will befall you)! Next step, wait for a moderator to review and critique/accept your character. If you dare put a preset team on your bio or make a Mary Sue, I will personally stalk and kill you. With an ax. A rusty ax, to be specific. Do you really want that, now?

Sub-board: accepted;;

11 21
No New Posts trackers;;

For each trainer you make please please make a tracker. Information about trackers shall be found inside the board. Be sure to link to each tracker in your signature or a moderator will eat your brains. You don't want that, because you need that to post here.

9 35
No New Posts interactions;;

Is your character looking for a partner in their journey? Maybe they want a little love? Find whatever you are looking for here. Make plots, create blossoming love; find someone to help you with these!

1 3
No New Posts rent-a-mod;;

Do you need a mod to post in your thread? After five days of no response from either a mod or if you haven't received any modding and request a mod to post with you.

2 2


Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts lapis town;;

A town built close to where ferries from other regions dock. Lapis is a quaint little town though everything is modernized. Many people come in and out of this town, especially trainers seeing as though this is where the famous Este Region Pokemon Lab is. This is the town where many trainers and coordinators start their new beginnings.

Sub-board: este region pokemon lab;;

4 13
No New Posts route 1;;

Right outside of Lapis Town is a large forest that has many twist and turns. There is no hint of humans ever even touching it, no fallen trees or anything. Because of this Pokemon are indeed plentiful! Bug Pokemon, grass Pokemon, flying Pokemon. Many types of Pokemon that are usually found in forests are here. They aren't exactly that powerful but that makes it excellent for trainers who are just starting out.

6 52
No New Posts route 2;;

Thankfully, route two is nothing like the first. The trees thin out into a meadow with an intoxicating aroma that draws various species of Pokemon here. If you aren't careful, your Pokemon might get lured into a fight by the Grass types using Sweet Scent like all the other Pokemon here.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts cyan town;;

Calm and tranquil. Cyan Town is a small town that has a looping river on both of its sides. Everyone is usually laid back and easy going, always ready to help a passerby. The first gym and contest hall can be found here in this quiet little town.

Sub-boards: cyan gym;;, cyan contest hall;;

4 4
No New Posts route 3;;

The route has a twisting path following a river filled with cool water. The tall grass and flourishing trees house many Bug types and Flying types while the river sustains those of the Water types. You can't go very far down the path without some mischievous creature trying to fight your Pokemon. Seriously. Route three is filled with some annoying Pokemon.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts ecru town;;

After being out in the swaying grass Ecru Town is a big difference. Everything seems so barren, rocky terrain everywhere you look. The houses are literally built into the rocky walls that surround the village. Yes, rocks are basically their theme on this bumpy terrain. Here you will find the second gym and contest hall.

Sub-boards: ecru gym;;, ecru contest hall;;

4 4
No New Posts route 4;;

The barren terrain didn't, sadly, end in Ecru Town. In fact the land seems to take on a much more desert feel to it. The wind seems to always be blowing, sand caught up in its powerful gusts.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts malachite town;;

The desert that is route four might make you hullucinate, but trust me, this is no illusion. Malachite town is one of the most beautiful areas in Este. After it was founded, the people of Malachite town began to plant flowers and for generations, these flowers have come back in full bloom every spring. Shrubs and trees make coming off route four bewildering, but trust me, its all there. Near the Pokemart resides the Gym and in the right corner fo town rests the Contest Hall.

Sub-boards: malachite gym;;, malachite contest hall;;

4 4
No New Posts route 5;;

A mountain is literally right by Malachite town. Trainers next destinations are at the top. Luckily Route 5 is an easier way to get to the top. For most of the way up the mountain route 5 takes you through confusing caverns filled with some interesting Pokemon. Dark, Psychic and Ghost are very common here, often playing tricks on the paranoid hikers who are trying to get to the next town. Benevolent people strung lights along the cave walls to help the people traveling through. Lucky them.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts arsenic town;;

Remember those lights that were hung up to direct you on Route 5? Well, really they were leading you to a large cavern that, get this, was actually a town. Sure, Arsenic Town is not exactly filled with many people but the town is rather unique. In fact a lot of the people in Arsenic Town are rather unusual and mysterious, sometimes all they're do is give you a side-glance and then hurry off as if you were threatening them. Strange is sometimes an understatement for them and they often host weird festivals. Here you can find the fourth gym and contest hall. In the back of the town is a staircase that takes you up most of the mountain.

Sub-boards: arsenic gym;;, arsenic contest hall;;

4 4
No New Posts route 6;;

From Arsenic town is a rocky staircase. Don't be fooled, halfway through the route, Ground and Rock types will be less frequent and Ice Pokemon will be littered everywhere. A seemingly never ending blizzard makes it hard to continue to the next town and the frigid temperatures make those tropic lovers wish they had seven parkas on.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts chartreuse town;;

In a barren field of snow, Chartreuse town is a small, humble place. An unwelcoming blanket of snow and a constant blizzard blows through here. Not many people live here because of the elements of weather but the ones who do are friendly and willing to help. The houses are mostly old-styled cabin style. Due to the weather extremities, it often deters those who are not strong enough to face a true challenge, because of this, many trainers never beat the fifth gym or contest hall that sticks out in the center of all the cabins, ending their career prematurely.

Sub-boards: chartreuse gym;;, charteuse contest hall;;

4 4
No New Posts route 7;;

Down the mountain you go, finally away from the cold. There is nothing interesting about the trip until you get to the bottom of the mountain. Here you can find hot springs waiting to warm up your cold and wary bones. Fire Pokemon tend to hang around also.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts route 8;; - 1 Viewing

A beautiful ocean sways up and down on the sandy covered shore. When the sun is down the ocean looks painted, a wonderful site. In the distant skyscrapers and lights can be seen.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts flavescent city;;

Buildings loom over everything, lights constantly shining. Flavescent City is definitely a major city with people always seeming the hustle and bustle about. Time seems to move fast here indeed. Electricity and technology is what Flavescent City is known for so of course there are some interesting features to the large city. The 6th and final gym and contest hall are found here.

Sub-boards: flavescent gym;;, flavescent contest hall;;

4 4

!Other Places!

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts training tower;;

A large tower sits on a hill, but it's no ordinary tower. If you step inside, you'll come to the lobby. Simply register the Pokemon you want to train in the scanner next to the front desk and head into the elevator. From there, everything is randomly chosen, even which level you end up on. The trainers are holograms and the arena conforms to your specified terrain.

Sub-board: the lounge;;

1 3
No New Posts the radio tower;;

Don't get too excited, you won't be invited on the radio show any time soon. Infact, it is more like an Electric Type headquarters rather than a place where people hang out. If you're looking for some Electric or Grass types (uhm..?), then it's best to come here. Why are there Grass types here? Because Grass types are partiers and we all know the Radio Tower is party central for Pokemon.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts mount cyric;;

The trek to mount cyric is a long one from the closest town, Arsenic town. It is named for the tallest peak, which houses a variety of ice Pokemon. They say if you can make it all the way to the top, you can see the entire region of Este. Although, it is also rumored that the legendary Articuno rests here as well, but no-one has ever made it up there.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts volcanic falls;;

This is an intriguing place. If you head into a dank, dark tunnel, you'll wind up in an open chamber lit up by the light from smoldering lava pouring from a gash in the side of Cyric mountain into a bowl-shaped pool. Many Fire-type Pokemon reside inside this chamber.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts breeder heaven;;

This rural area of Este is known as Breeder Heaven simply because it is the perfect place to raise Pokemon. The temperature is warm, but a breeze always rolls over the long, green grass to cool Pokemon down. Go a little further, my friends, to the shrine where you may receive a Pokemon egg, or to the adoption agency that gives away abandoned Pokemon.

Sub-boards: shrine of rebirth;;, este day care;;

1 4
No New Posts moira beach;;

Sun, sand and surf. What could be better? Not only that, but there is Water-type Pokemon littered all over the beach and in the water. Heck, if your Pokemon knows how to swim, you can get out in the ocean and catch the higher level Water Pokemon.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts dive island;;

This is a small, uninhabited island off the coast of Moira beach. Although no humans populate it, many trainers use their Pokemon to swim over and explore. High leveled, exotic Pokemon of all shapes and colors can be found here. You might be eager to explore, but first you must find the appropriate HM.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

!The Elite Four!

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts orchid trail;;

With your six badges in tow, gear up and prepare for your journey down Orchid Trail. This seemingly endless path winds on for ages and for the longest time, you'll be traveling through different terrain. Forests, ridges until you find yourself on an incline upward. The path is lined with orchids and every type of Pokemon is coming at you. Don't fret, theres only a dark tunnel between you and the Elite Four.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts levin cavern;;

This cavern is also known as "Death's Domain". Why you might ask? It's a pitch-black cave with uneven ground. If you aren't tripping and stumbling over the surface because none of your Pokemon can light up the area, then you're tripping and stumbling in a well-lit area because your Pokemon can. Either way, you'll take a beating from the ground while your Pokemon take a beating from wild Pokemon. Oh, did I mention it's practically a maze? Well now you know. Did you expect the final stretch to the Elite Four to be easy?

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No New Posts the four;;

So you've made it through the cavern? I don't believe you. No matter. After you crawl out of the cavern, you'll be just meters away from the large building that houses your final challenge. When you head through the automatic sliding door, you'll find a duel Pokemon Center and a Pokemon Market. Once you're stocked up and healed, approach the young, red-haired woman and she'll guide you through the metal doors to your first opponent.

1 1

!Staff Stuff!

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No New Posts staff meetings;;

The evil lair where the staff members plot and conceive a plan to kill all the members on this site. I'm so cereal right now about this, there is milk flowing from my eye sockets. Seriously, we are. No, I'm joking..maybe

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts apply;;

This is the board where you can try out to be a moderator or a designer. Be aware that you might not get accepted as a moderator, so don't have a hissy fit over it. Be sure to check back to see if the staff are looking for new moderators or designers.

Applications are currently acceptable//not needed

2 4

!Guest Center!

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No New Posts advertising;; - 1 Viewing

Want people to know about your site? Then advertise here! Do not post in the chat box saying, "Join my site!" This is the place where you do all the advertising you want.

Sub-boards: first time;;, linking back;;

42 42 Ataxia: a Warriors RP
by Stormy
Sept 10, 2017 15:56:45 GMT -5
No New Posts affiliating;;

Want to have your affiliate up on our affiliate board? Post here then! Be sure to add our affiliate first though.

Sub-boards: accepted affiliates;;, pending affiliates;;

2 2 Affiliate
by Avatar Admin
Feb 6, 2010 18:12:59 GMT -5


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